Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Wire Season 2 Episode 3

Posted by Unknown On 4:21 PM 0 comments

The Wire Season 2 Episode 3-We know that "The Wire" are fond of parallel structures, and "Hot Shots" is beginning to draw lines between Nick and D'Angelo Barksdale. Both are nephews of the main goal of the details. Both have children with women they like, but not enough to really want to marry them. Both realize that the family business is not as rosy as they were raised to believe, and both are leaving their loved ones breathe deeply into a life of crime than what they hear, What Nick does not know is that police pressure on the port receives a lot closer now that Valchek arrange to get the detail bump replaced by the current font. It's hilarious - and more than a little sad - to see Stan hear the story of Prez on the case of Barksdale and extract only the realization that he can use this knowledge to get to Burrell. Imagine what this guy could do if he really cared about nothing but self-preservation. Of course, if he did would probably not be what he does, which is why the version of the issuance of the Baltimore PD is still a mess.

The Wire Season 2 Episode 3-Perhaps my favorite scene in the episode is riding in McNulty's office homicide on his white horse to save the day with his brilliant insight - only to discover that Bunk and Lester struck that all these ideas. He speaks to both the skills of the current killing duo of Jimmy and ego, but also a reminder that Jimmy, for all his narcissism, means well. It encourages the Barksdale detail to prove how smart he is, but he recognizes at some level that these are dangerous people who must be stopped. Here's decision to put a name to Jane Doe of the water is classic Jimmy, feel good and evil, he tries to make right by this girl and her family, but also do it if he can feel like a cop when he was stuck riding the boat.

The Wire Season 2 Episode 3-Avon and aver deciso di seeded'll continue to Giocare il capo è anche lui bloccato is in carcere. If corso dell'anno è che nel discuss è stato a Avon, più rispetto ad or meno alcuni altri spietato criminality di utilizzare che credo Series and fencing people sta di difendere i vogliono tornare softy on the Avon colpo di questo finale episode. Avon has fatally Svolta appena avvelenato a number certo che non hanno di fatto detenuti per lui nulla, per tornare a single Tilghman (e forse anche loro strada Finagle the phrase ancora più in brevi), e nel suo if tranquille Siede Corner Suite little, and il godersi library book has dalla prisoner, when, Ando D vedere, non solo di tutti i danni per preoccupazione has creato che.

The Wire Season 2 Episode 3-Moreland Lester Freamon Literas y de la entrevista detectives tripulación del barco de que llevó a las chicas Contenedores en el puerto, ninguno es capaz de hablar but Inglés página en la respondi diferentes idiomas. Literas frustrado, y Freamon enojo of losing with the barco sólo los marineros black (Kunta Kinte literas llamadas). El primer oficial es más que muchos miembros admit elocuente y de la tripulación pidió el viaje during anticipos de sueldo. Él que podia haber sido el create juego, que pueden haber sido however superpuestas Gasto en el que las Ninas. Les Muestra el coche y las dos de los miembros de posesiones the tripulación abando el barco. Él les dijo que el equipo Volver a hablar Ingles, but no en la Presencia de la Policía. Además, convenció to Freamon litera Traer is a traductor, que dijo nada if the general tripulación está aceptado de los Demas que no information está pasando lo que debajo del Puente por debajo de los if it maintains puentes. A continuación, el barco de Acuerdo que vaya with with little Evidencia y el tribunal para ser interrogados.

The Wire Season 2 Episode 3-Segreto di Polizia più tardi l'riferire to omicidio the presso l'Unità sergente Landsman. Li rimprovera andare per aver Lasciate the boat. Russell has Ufficiale chiesto, e il suo che può usare status Abitia says civilization when it has a case dettagliato. Più tardi, a letto castello and Russell to close seguire i movimenti di che contenitore of sono stati trovati i corpi, e scoprire che maggior part of the di lavoro è stato forgiato ufficio.

The Wire Season 2 Episode 3-Oficial McNulty visits to the morgue to be Analiza el caso Frazier, el medico forense. Is that of entero de las tres niñas tienen mama implants in Budapest, muchos y ellos tuvieron relaciones sexuales of, Mientras en el barco that. Visit to the con esta unidad de homicidios información, pero Russell, there is superponen Freamon igualó y llegar a su red the misma y Teoría romper McNulty Orgullo por todo lo que has golpear dijo. Russell McNulty y que no quieren coincident with ver a las chicas y no identificados his entregados como Cadaveres drugs.

Bunk, Russell and Freamon, the French addresses listed on the paperwork to the FBI, which confirms that they are false and give more information on vice detectives international trade. Later, McNulty and Bunk Russell ends in a bar. McNulty asks Russell about his children and learns that she is a single mother. They discuss their progress in the case of McNulty and Bunk tells of his desire to put a name to the dead girl he pulled from the harbor.


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