Sunday, August 7, 2011

the wire season 1 episode 4

Posted by Unknown On 6:45 PM 0 comments

The wire which preformance film directed by Clement Virgo, so the film is well-structured with impressions and a long episode, possibly in my opinion this film should be design full of concentration as to make a movie that will be on watch, so that viewers are interested in this film , in this episode for about an hour in a broadcast, while the date to show ads in the month of June 23, 2002 with the HBO network.

summary of the story in this film though Bodie escaped with a strong safety but he could escape from jail. Meanwhile, Greggs and McNulty trying to get Hardcase to turn informant as the charge begins for those who are caught in the attack. Barksdale place a bounty on Omar's head of a rival gang leader. Meanwhile, McNulty took Bubbles in field trips and Carver budaya.Herc rebels continued their way by traveling to Marlboro to find corsets and beat him into giving up information about the case. Once they get there, Herc has a change of attitude after meeting Bodie's grandmother. so of you who like to watch this do not miss out on this fourth episode.


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